Gedichte von meiner Ur-Enkelin aus Südafrika

Autor: ehemaliges Mitglied

Memories can be made…

Holding on the strongest thing I’ve ever had in my life,

That one that taught me from wrong to right,

The one that taught me to be thankful and apologize,

That one that taught me not to hold grudges on anyone or anything.

You and Me, We’ve come along way,

We’ve known each other since 8th grade, memories were made,

But have gotten to a point where we lost each other,

Loosing you was the worst thing ever,

We’ve gotten lost but I knew for every second our hearts will never be, we’ve come and gone,

But I will forever be thanking GOD for bringing us back to a new fresh start.


A Poem by Monique!

Love my people!!!

Living a Life!

Living a life that isn’t cut out for you,

Living a life that’s a lie,

Why be in it-life isn’t always about joy,

Tough times are about to enter.

Happiness is all that is needed,

The love between You and Life is the only thing that can bring true colours,

True colours? Of what?

True colours about Life, about the Life You living,

What’s more important in Life?

Love transferred between people to people,

Why bother?

Not been lonely, not been depressed,

There will always be that person who cares the most about YOU!

The person who will do just about anything in HIS power to make YOU happy,

Don’t give up on that ONE person,

Life can only get better...
oma marta und monique


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