Forum Fremdsprachen Esperanto Percentage of population able to hold a conversation in English in The EU by country

Esperanto Percentage of population able to hold a conversation in English in The EU by country


Percentage of population able to hold a conversation in English in The EU by country
geschrieben von frali

RE: Percentage of population able to hold a conversation in English in The EU by country
geschrieben von jacare4
A very interesting map. So many people in the EU are supposed to be able to hold a conversation in English. According to the map, more than half the population of Germany are more or less fluent in English, or at least have enough knowledge of English to hold a conversation in this language. 

Is this really true? I doubt.

What does it mean, "hold a convers
ation"?  Can they show the correct way to someone who got lost in a city? Can they really? This, however, is perhaps the simplest form of a conversation. I hope half of all Germans can do this. 

The map doesn´t tell how many people in the EU can do this in Esperanto. 

