Forum Fremdsprachen English Purpose of this subforum

English Purpose of this subforum


Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Maxi41
als Antwort auf rose42 vom 12.07.2014, 18:26:13
Hi Rosemarie,
I wish a lot of fun at the concert today. Sure you are proud of your grandson performing his guitar-skills. When I was a child I was playing the guitar too. But I was not to much musical to improve my performance. Furthermore the guitar wasn´t my own. It belonged to the music school I went.
I´ve been ill for some days. I´ve got a Bronchitis and fever.
Nevertheless I´m nervous because of the match tonight.
Greetings, Bärbel

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Maxi41
als Antwort auf Maxi41 vom 13.07.2014, 11:21:43
Hello altogheter,
Germany won the World Cup final for the fourth time !!
A dream has become a reality. It´s sensational and an unbelievable feeling!
The match was more than a crime thriller.
I´m very happy.
Greetings, Bärbel

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von rose42
als Antwort auf Maxi41 vom 13.07.2014, 11:21:43
Hi Bärbel,
yes, it was truly a great success! I mean the winning of the world's championship - but of course, too, the performance of my little guitar-player. I do hope that he will stick on music further on because I feel, that music can make you really happy.
Love from Rosemarie



Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Maxi41
als Antwort auf rose42 vom 14.07.2014, 22:34:23
Hello altogether,

I was ill and I´m not feeling very well.
World Cup fever is over. The next event is the European tournament in two years.
Well, we should spent more time to write here.
With regard to football I think it´s more than sport, it´s also big business. Professional teams earn millions through television rights, ticket sales, sponsorship and fan merchandise. Many players earn astronomical salaries for kicking and also through advertising and commercial. It´s to much money. I think it´s not allright.
Nevertheless I´m still footballfan.

I wish all of you a nice weekend, hopefully not to hot.
Greetings, Bärbel

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von rose42
als Antwort auf Maxi41 vom 19.07.2014, 14:21:26
Hello Bärbel,
I totally agree with you: all those boys - most of them low educated and simple minded - have a great time as long as they are young and fit. Take that Schweinsteiger: he really thinks he is the most clever sportsman. And the journalists affirm him in this. As soon as he openes his mouth - and he loves to do so - you realize that he is ever so "unterbelichtet". Wherever he spots a camera: there he is and grins ever so stupidly. What is left for him, when soccer is over?? Nothing else but money??
There are other sportsmen like Lahm who seem to me a lot more intelligent and don't always show up. Lahm has announced to finish his national career now. With FC Bayern he will continue until 2018 and I'm sure, he has good plans for himself and his family's future.

I have missed you on this thread, Bärbe! I hope, you have recovered from your illness. Now sun is shining - enjoy it! The weather is fine and so are the lakes around. I've been swimming this morning before breakfast and it was pure pleasure. Do you have some water near to go swimming?
Like to hear from you again - love Rosemarie

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Maxi41
als Antwort auf rose42 vom 19.07.2014, 16:10:52
Hi Rosemarie,
yes there is a lake nearby. It´s a former coal mining area and was flooded some years ago.
But at the moment I´m not able neither to ride a bike nor to go swimming. I´ve got problems with my back, my hip and so on. I got treatment and I hope it will be better soon.
I agree with you because of the soccer. On Friday in Leipzig was a match between Redbull Leipzig and Germain Paris. At the club Germain is playing the Swedish football"star" Ibrahimovic. I read in the newspaper that he earn 1,3 million net cash monthly! It´s crazy, it´s sheer madness, isn´t it?
Have you already install fotos from your excursion in your private ST-Bilder? I want to look there.
Have a nice Sunday.
Greetings to you and the others, Bärbel



Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von rose42
als Antwort auf Maxi41 vom 20.07.2014, 11:54:13
Dear and poor Bärbel,
what a shame that you suffer from your back and... the therapy will help you soon, I hope. I, too, have big problems with my back and hips and take some therapy now and then; nothing at the moment. But I feel that swimming helps me a bit. A former classmate of mine with the same problems insists, that swimming everyday 1000 m has made it almost vanish. Since water relieves your skeleton from your weight the movement is the more effective. And afterwards take warmth to your back - wonderful relaxing!
I just can't believe that Ibrahimovic's income should be 1,3 mill a month - it would still be plenty in a year! It's sheer madness, as you say!
Nevertheless, I am glad to have enough income for a good living. and I feel, it's much better if you have to save money for a special wish; and if you have reached it - that makes happy, doesn't it?
Now I wish you to recover soon
Love from Rosemarie

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von rose42
als Antwort auf Maxi41 vom 20.07.2014, 11:54:13
Hello Bärbel,
Here is the answer to your last question: You can find the fotos from our May-trip to Südtirol in my private account under "Bilder" -
and then
"Reinhold Messner Museum" and "Südtirol 2014"
Have a nice week - Rosemarie

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von Maxi41
als Antwort auf rose42 vom 21.07.2014, 10:25:33
Hello Rosemarie,
I looked at the photos of your holiday in the Alps and the picture with R. Messner and you and your husband (?). From now on I know your appearance - likeable!
About eight years ago I was on holiday in Eppan and visited the Sigmundskron Castle near Bozen. The museum was fascinate and very interesting, an unique project created in the mountains. But such a impressed occurrence you have meeting Reinhold Messner! Great!

Today it´s very muggy, an oppressive and humid weather. I wish a breeze would come.

Greetings, Bärbel

What´s about yoli? I hope you are fit.

Re: Purpose of this subforum
geschrieben von rose42
als Antwort auf Maxi41 vom 21.07.2014, 16:20:16
Hello Bärbel, here are the answers to your last note:
1. Yes, it is my husband
2. Being at Eppan you must have seen the earth-pyramids - aren't they
3. Everytime we pass Sigmundskron we resolve to visit it one one
day, but haven't yet.
4. to-day's weather gets on my nerves. This morning we seized the
opportunity to go swimming - but I'm afraid, its over now. It
was raining all afternoon - ever so dreary!
5. No idea what's the matter with yoli - haven't heard from her

Hi yoli - come back to complete our trio!
Love to both of you - Rosemarie
