Mitgliederübersicht Papa_Joe

Benutzerprofil von Papa_Joe

Dabei seit: 10.08.2010

Besucher: 742
Freunde: 1
Forum: 74

Papa_Joe .

Hallo liebe Otti1, ...nach langer Pause, dafür aber mit großem Vergnügen habe ich wieder in den Kreis der Silver Ladies und Silberrücken gefunden. Lieber Gruß Hans-Joachim
Hallo Leute, als inzwischen gestandener "Silberrücken" habe ich mich mit Interesse durch die erste Seite der Beiträge gelesen. Also mir persönlich ist es ein Vergnügen, "in Erinnerungen zu schwelgen" und meinen Kindern und Enkeln - aber nur wenn sie danach fragen - aus meiner Kindheit zu erzählen, die zwar schon aufgrund der Kriegs- und der Nachkriegsjahre nicht einfach war. Es ist für mich persönlich aber auch - wie soll ich sagen - heilsam, fast belehrend, mit wie wenig man damals zufrieden war, sei es Kleidung, Nahrung, Spielsachen etc. Es ist lehrsam in der Hinsicht, dass man nicht alles, was man heute hat oder genießen kann, als selbstverständlich nimmt. Ich bin in einem kleinen Dorf aufgewachsen, in tief-ländlicher Umgebung, musste zur Heu- oder Erntezeit schon als 6-jähriger so gut es ging mitarbeiten, aber - und das ist die Hauptsache - ich möchte keinen Tag meiner Kindheit missen, weder das Spielen in freier Natur, das Bollern des Ofens in der Stube an kalten Winterabenden, das Gefühl, wenn man sich im eiskalten Bett mit den Füssen langsam der heissen Wärmflasche annäherte. Jeder dieser Tage, jedes dieser Gefühle sind mir wertvoll, sind Teil meiner Kindheit und für mich unverzichtbar. Hans-Joachim
gewundert habe ich mich heute heute morgen um 8:00, dass schon wieder Schneeräumen angesagt war. Gefreut habe ich mich, dass mein Frühstück so gut geschmeckt hat wie ich es mir beim Schneeräumen vorgestellt habe. Richtig geärgert habe ich mich, dass die Schneeräumerei heute abend nach einer Stunde für die Katz war!!! Fazit: Mit sochen kleinen Ärgereien kann ich vergnügt umgehen ;-> Gruß Hans-Joachim
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Good morning Regina, thank you for your early reply. Well, my "baby-bike" has a weight, ready for driving, without driver, of 184 Kgs (!!!). So it seems to be a slightly heavyweighted baby . But never the less I'm fond of "her"!!! I call my bike "Klara", a name with the following background: You may remember the worldwide famous book "Heidi" written by Johanna Spöri. My oldest son rides a bike, also a Honda, type TransALP 600, a heavyweight of 220 kgs. His wife claimed that the name TransALP reminds her to Heidi from the Switzer Alps and therefore she calls the bike Heidi. You additionally may be aware that Heidi had, during her time in Frankfurt, a girlfriend with name KLARA, a slim grown girl, and so I called my bike KLARA [/indent] My scooter is indeed a Vespa, model Cosa 200, a smart and propper looking lady of 19 years, to be operated by means of an oldfashionned hand-gearshifting. It is really great fun to ride the scooter. By the way, my first vehicle, when being 18 years, was also a Vespa, 125 ccm, 5 PS, top speed 60 km/h, and I felt like a "king of the road"!!! I hope you enjoyed my above explanations as I enjoyed with writing them. In the meantime kind regards from Hans-Joachim [i]See below my Vespa: Kaleidoskop(Papa_Joe)
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Hello Regina, hello Dörte, this ist, in brief as usual, to remind you to me, still existing, still enjoying the work in "my" bike shop and also still enjoying riding my bike. Actually we, the crew of the bike shop, are preparing our annual "Open House" taking place on May 1st. Until this day there is still some work waiting to be done (building a new sales rack, cleaning and polishing the scooters and bikes and so on). I do hope you enjoy the lovely, sunny days as well as some rainy days which ar important for the garden I'm looking forward to hearing/reading from you in time. Kind regards Hans-Joachim By the way, this is my bike: My bike, 30 years old, but never the less "running like neighbour's cat!"
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Hi Dörte, many thanks for your mailing. Fortunatelly the day yesterday, Sunday, wa as beautiful as Saturday. In the morning we, my wife and I visited a little customer's fair showing house, wellness, handcrafting,slow food eyuipments and things like that. It was quite interesting for both. In the afternoon I made a little bike-trip to the region I lived as a little boy. It was a strange feeling, visiting all the wellknown places, but now as an Oldie, coming via motorbike. Today it's a rainy day, but all the rain is quite usefull for the garden. Have a nice day/week/time, till next time Kind regards Hans-Joachim
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Hello Dörte, officially I'm a retiree since 5 years, I came to this job occassionally: My oldest son, responsible for making my scooter as a gift, is since many years a motorcycle enthusiast, actually driving his scooter and a big Honda 650 ccm bike. A friend of him, running the little bike shop, was looking for a retiree, fond of bikes and willing to work "the one or other hour" in the shop and in the spareparts department. Well, we met each other, we discussed the facts and so I work since end of January in the bike shop, mainly in the afternoon, and I enjoy this activities very much. This is, in brief, to explain my "being employed". Have a nice day and kind regards Hans-Joachim
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Hello Dörte, hi Regina, I'm not on tour with my scooter,although I would like to do so, but with my job in the motorbike shop I'm kept busy in such an extent I never had expected. Nevertheless, it's great fun to work there, being responsible for the depot for spareparts as well as for salesment of things like spark plugs etc. Sometimes I have some free time for moving my scooter. In other words, I'm still "on the stage" and I regularly follow up what's going on in our English club, and I kindly ask you for your understanding when I don't answer or react immediatelly. Kind regards to you, Dörte and, last but by far not least, Regina Hans-Joachim
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Hello Dörte, please let me know which books or which authors you prefer??? Please excuse the shortness of this contact, as a result of a funny, but hard day's work in my motobike-shop. Have a nice Sunday, and take care for yourself Kind Regards Hans-Joachim
hat auf das Thema Re: Purpose of this subforum im Forum English geantwortet
Good morning, Dörte, the morning sun is shining, temperature is pretty down (some -8 degrees outside), and I have to stay inside, caught by an ugly spastic bronchitis Just to complete my "field of reading activities":
A couple of years ago I accidentally got an issue of "Lord of the rings" (Herr der Ringe) and I was fascinated by Tolkien's description of the characters as well as of Middle Earth and this literature was for me the entrance into the wide world of fantasy books.
My absolute favorite fantasy-writer ist Markus Heitz and I think I own some 15 books from him. I do hope you don't find this too kiddy. Have a nice day. Kind regards Hans-Joachim
