Forum Fremdsprachen English Answer a question and ask another one

English Answer a question and ask another one


Re: Answer a question and ask another one
geschrieben von yoli
als Antwort auf Federstrich vom 29.07.2015, 14:24:17
Thanks Fedi, you know I live in Switzerland and previously to that I have been living in the UK for over 20 yrs. A lot of expressions are new to me, so I ask.
But I like to learn and am always open for new things even at the Age of 73
Take care
Love Yoli

Re: Answer a question and ask another one
geschrieben von yoli
als Antwort auf yoli vom 28.07.2015, 17:39:38
Hi @ all

shall we carry on this "game"?

Whom it may interest…*g*
I do like the autumn for the beautiful colours

I would be a lark but enjoy lying in bed in the morning until I am an owl.. hihi

I make my decisions on the spur of the moment sort of spontaneously

Yes Maxi my dear I would chance a few things in my life because it does not always work to be too spontaneously.

Now my question
Do you believe in equality for both human sexes and
What have you done to prove it if the answer is yes
geschrieben von yoli

Re: Answer a question and ask another one
geschrieben von Federstrich
als Antwort auf yoli vom 30.07.2015, 12:20:59
Now my question
Do you believe in equality for both human sexes and
What have you done to prove it if the answer is yes
geschrieben von yoli

Hi Yoli, were you afraid your question may have been forgotten? Don't worry. Every question will be answered sooner or later. I must say, though, that this question is quite a bit of an intellectual challenge for someone as homespun as I am. So I wish someone else had answered it. )

Well, first off, I assume you mean the social equality, of course, and then the answer is: yes, I do.

However, I have not done anything at all to prove it. Why should I? After all, it's not for people like me who belong to the bottom of the food chain to prove or change anything. It's for those in power to do it.

Anyway, I do support the decision of introducing a quota system for women on the board of management or even on the supervisory board of big organisations. This has long been overdue. And I do that because, based on what I have been able to observe, there is not the slightest reason to believe that men have taken or are going to take better decisions than women given that the conditions are the same.

My question:Do you like Sunday afternoons? What do you usually do then?



Re: Answer a question and ask another one
geschrieben von Maxi41
als Antwort auf Federstrich vom 30.07.2015, 17:32:22
First I want to say something to Yoli´s question.
No, I don´t believe in equality for both human sexes.
In Germany and other industrialised country´s has been an experience of rapid, accelerating change, but not for a long time yet. Women´s earning power is still lower than men´s salary.
Women and all people in the Third World are a long way from equal rights. It would be nice if everyone regardless of sex, class, race etc. has the same opportunity of equivalent living conditions, but I think we and the next generation don´t undergo the change.

To Fedi´s question.
Sundays I´m often with my family. In the evening I´m reading but more often I´m watching TV. 10pm is my bedtime. I read about one hour.

My next question:
"What would you do when children abused by clergymen long time ago?
Should it be a statutory limitation?"
(The mere thought of it made me furious!)

Re: Answer a question and ask another one
geschrieben von Federstrich
als Antwort auf Federstrich vom 30.07.2015, 17:32:22
OK, let me clarify one thing: if I had understood Yoli’s question as Maxi did, namely, if equality of the sexes has been achieved in society, then I’d have negated it just as Maxi did.

Yet I had understood Yoli’s question in the sense of whether I believe in it as a goal to be pursued like feminists do, and that’s why I said: Yes, I do (believe in it and support it.) But I know, of course, that there is still widespread social inequality between the sexes both in western civilization and particularly in developing countries.

Yoli, it would be interesting to know what you had in mind when formulating the question in the way you did.

Maxi's question is (just dragging it along):

"What would you do when children abused by clergymen long time ago?
Should it be a statutory limitation?"
(The mere thought of it made me furious!)

Re: Answer a question and ask another one
geschrieben von yoli
als Antwort auf Federstrich vom 30.07.2015, 21:22:42
Sunday afternoon = being lazy, just like monday tuesday etc.. hihi
I think we are equal.
We complement each other and each is unique in itself.
I meant quite banal things for example if a man mends cothes, or does the washing and ironing is it beneath his dignity?

When a woman makes military service or goes to the fire department, it is not that they want to be a man! but each and every one according to his or her skills.

In the future (as I see it) the woman will carry and give birth to children and will be better suited to stay at home and look after them in most cases.
Personally I am a Feminist, but only because I am able to be one.
I would not want to go back to the time before equality for both sexes have started to be a subject.But some folks go too far.
About wages and Job possibilities? Well that is another Topic.
Nice to hear from others.
Bärbel>> I will come to your question later.
A hot issue!



Re: Answer a question and ask another one
geschrieben von Federstrich
als Antwort auf yoli vom 30.07.2015, 22:29:32
Yoli, now I understand that what you had in mind was micro level whereas I looked at the broader picture. Well, then it would have been way easier for me to answer that. Since there is no-one around I do everything myself. ) But if I ever had a relationship with someone (time is running out, though), I'd keep looking after myself and do all the things you mentioned. There are no household chores which a man couldn't do. In the end it's presumably a question of negotiating who specializes in what.
However, what I, personally, find most bizarre and amusing when I go shopping is to see women choosing clothes for their partners and they readily accept. A workmate even admitted that his wife decides what he should wear each day and she lays out the clothes for him in the morning. That makes me flabbergasted. Well, it seems, for some, there is still a long way to go until micro-level equality is reached.

Re: Answer a question and ask another one
geschrieben von yoli
als Antwort auf Federstrich vom 31.07.2015, 08:21:55
What would you do when children abused by clergymen long time ago?
Should it be a statutory limitation?"

(The mere thought of it made me furious!)

Dear Bärbel
What a sad and terrible thought. Unfortunately it has happened and will still be going on.
My thoughts go from Pontius to Pilatus. Feeling sad about the children. Maybe it will change their whole life.
As for the culprits
Charge them just like any other criminal that commits the same offense of rape of a child.[b][/b]

There has been so much written about this subject.
Rape in any form is disgusting, be the guilty a priests or ordinary people like for example a family member.

Re: Answer a question and ask another one
geschrieben von Federstrich
als Antwort auf yoli vom 03.08.2015, 17:29:31
Hi Yoli, now since you have answered that question, where is the next one? Forgotten or postponed?

Re: Answer a question and ask another one
geschrieben von yoli
als Antwort auf Federstrich vom 04.08.2015, 15:08:15
Hi Fedi
it does not seem to be very popular this question and answer game.
If anyone likes to carry on I will be a good sport too
