Forum Fremdsprachen English Answer a question and ask another one

English Answer a question and ask another one


Re: Answer a question and ask another one
geschrieben von Federstrich
als Antwort auf ginabeate vom 09.09.2015, 13:57:44
I ask : which of your hobbies do you like best???

Hi ginabeate,

You may have missed that I have already touched on that question in either this thread or the other one ("Purpose..."). (To the other readers: Please don't blame me for any boring repetition.)
Back then I wrote that, for the time being, I prefer engaging in outdoor activities more than anything else. I can easily prove to myself that this is currently the hobby I like best by asking myself what I would drop if I had even less spare time than I have right now? The answer is: I would let all the other things (which I would call my hobbies) go and would make sure that there is time left for tennis, jogging, cycling, and working out in a gym.

There are several reasons for it. Most importantly, I have done sport all my life and I feel it has helped me best to cope with both the stress at work and at home. After a long day's work I simply need to relax by pushing my body in the open air. That's when I have the best ideas, when I find solutions to problems, when I am at one with myself, when I forget the world and the problems around me. In contrast, I have realised that getting away from it all is simply not possible if I do any kind of indoor activity.

Another reason may be that my bones are telling me that their service is temporarily limited, i.e., won't go on for ever. I know that there will be a time when I won't be able to do any sport at all. I cared for my mother for eight years when she was housebound and in a wheel-chair and there are other bitter fates of people I know around me so that I just want to do whatever I possibly can to make sure I won't regret anything later on in my life.

My second best hobby is reading. I need something to keep my mind busy. As I said, I do some bedtime reading on the pillow.
Apart from that I wouldn't know what else to call a hobby. Quite down to earth. That's the way I am.


What about the others reading here?

Re: Answer a question and ask another one
geschrieben von Maxi41
als Antwort auf ginabeate vom 09.09.2015, 13:57:44
My favourite hobby is reading. To my great regret I have problems with my eye at the moment. I have a vitreous detachment and trouble seeing.
My second hobby is sport, e.g. cycling and indoor sport like gymnastics. Furthermore watching football.
Last but not least my family.


Re: Answer a question and ask another one
geschrieben von Federstrich
als Antwort auf Maxi41 vom 14.09.2015, 15:00:01
Dear Bärbel, I'm very sorry to hear that. Those are the reasons we may all have, which I had in mind in my last post in the other thread.
Get better soon. I keep my fingers crossed.
Best regards,



Re: Answer a question and ask another one
geschrieben von bukamary
als Antwort auf Federstrich vom 08.09.2015, 18:22:17
Hi fedi and hello to all the other onesreading here,

getting back to your contribution about cosmetic surgery: As far as I remember originally it was called plastic and restoration surgery, and was provided for the reconstruction of burn injuries and the rehabilitation of the victims of serious accidents and other problems, that means for medical reasons. Later on some of the surgeons I guess got the Idea they could earn a lot of money having the people believe being more beutiful.

Now to your Question
Do you always need other people around you or do you also like being alone sometimes?
I just realize that it´s not easy for me to answer that question.
I´m surely more a lone wolf but just as well, I can be a good team player. At work I had to be both and partly I really had a good network just depending on the problem I had to handle. In private I had to learn being alone for several reasons and I got quite used to it and I mostly like it. But it would certainly be better to have more people around me, that is surely a different problem. To tell the truth I think it is not unimportant to sustain loneliness.

It just seems that the interest writing here decreases significantly. OK, Yoli is on holiday, Maxi has problems with her eyes (sorry about that and I can only hope you´ve got a good ophthalmologist. And I myself had a few problems as well. I´ll try to do better.

As nobody else had a new Question, here is one :
What do you think about inclusion?

Re: Answer a question and ask another one
geschrieben von Federstrich
als Antwort auf bukamary vom 20.09.2015, 16:31:47

What do you think about inclusion?

Hello Bukamary and hello to all of you

Well, I admit that this question (like mine ) also gives me a bit of a headache because, actually, I don't know the first thing about it. I just noticed that there was a thread about this topic in the forum but I haven't read it for the reason just mentioned.
Aren't there different kinds of inclusion? Do you mean inclusion in a more general sense of the word or related to education? Or do you mean both? Knowing this may have helped me a bit.
Again, I have never been confronted with that topic in any way nor really thought about it. That's why I don't feel I can give a sort of qualified answer.
Intuitively, though, I think that since man is thought to be a social being, any permanent separation wouldn't do him any good. That means that everybody should have a chance of participating in life, of interacting with other people and, thus, making the most of their own life.

Yet I'm fully aware that such a general thesis statement may be written down quite easily. Much as I think that almost everyone will agree in principle, the devil probably is in the detail again, i.e., the main thing seems to be the "how" and not the "if", e.g., how to make it happen, how are people with special needs empowered to participate?
I guess there might also be quite a few " it depends"..., ... on the kind of disability, on the particular way in which inclusion is organised and made possible.
I can imagine that my answer may sound a bit Solomonic but it really is a wide field, isn't it?

So I'm really looking forward to answers from those with more experience and/or knowledge in this field.

Re: Answer a question and ask another one
geschrieben von Maxi41
als Antwort auf Federstrich vom 22.09.2015, 07:18:18
Hello bukamary, hello Fedi and @all,

I think you mean inclusion in education.
I´ve been confronted with that topic since 1989. My first grandson was born with a lip-jaw, cleft palate. The cleft palate was particulary large, so he had speech problems. When he was 6 years old he still had big problems speaking, and he shouldn´t attend a regular school. After several complaints and petitions, he was finally enrolled in a regular school. It was a great fight until it was admitted. We were relieved.
He had speech problems a long time. He had several operations behind him, the last at the age of 11 years.
I think it´s important that disabled and without disabilities learning together, and that all people accept their peculiarities. Finally he was a good student. I suppose it wouldn´t have worked so well without inclusion.

Greetings, Bärbel

(I´ve still problems seeing)



Re: Answer a question and ask another one
geschrieben von Federstrich
Are you an average citizen?

Bukamary posted this quote by Mark Twain, whose wit I like very much, in the other thread: "Whenever you find that you are on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect."

Inspired by this quote, I thought we could enlarge a bit on it. Have you ever wondered whether you would call yourself a mainstreamer, i.e. who tends to follow the crowd, a person to be considered an "average citizen" and, thus, kind of predictable, calculable, sort of middle-of-the-road? If so, what makes you think so? If not, what examples can you share with us which make you doubt that you are "on the side of the majority", as Twain put it?

As for myself, I start pondering about this question every now and then. Don't you? Am I such a person or would I tend to be the odd one out somehow? What makes me think in that way are, for instance, sentences I hear from sales assistants, like "This is commonly done..../ People (usually) expect this..." etc. pp. often indicating that the products or services they are offering are based on allegedly representative surveys and market research, which I - oddly enough - don't seem to be covered by. What is "common", what is "usual"? Do I belong to this apparent majority?

Or, to give another example, any kind of default often is a real nuisance for me. Take the car, take a software, a household appliance or whatever. I often wonder: who the hell did they ask? Who did they include in their surveys?

Let me take the car as an example. Standard equipment packages for a car are usually unacceptable. There is always something I don't want and would rather exchange for something else.
But then there are other standard defaults in a car as well which you can't choose but which can be really nerve-racking, for instance, the automatic door lock after you have started driving. Is this what the majority of customers allegedly want? Even if this is true, it took me a long time to find a way to disable this function. Am I "average"?

Or take the way a car's board computer is programmed. According to this default, people are not interested in what time it is when they set off for work early in the morning. It seems to be way more important to show the driver, for what you feel must be several minutes (.), whether or not all passengers have fastened their seatbelts even if the body controller signals that there is no one sitting in the back seats. OK, even then, the display shows that there are no passengers. It's just the opposite with me. I would like to see the clock (only and steadily) when I set off. Any chance to alter the default? No.

Things like these make me wonder whether I should consider myself to be an "average" kind of person. But where are the "average citizens"? On the other hand, as far as clothes and shoe sizes are concerned, I seem to be very average because my size is always the first one sold out.

PS: The other questions are, of course, still waiting for more answers.

Re: Answer a question and ask another one
geschrieben von Hannover
I am definitely not a member of the majority, i.e. those who watch sports on TV or attend hockey or football (the American kind)games. I don't like crowds of any kind and would not think of attending protest rallies even though I might totally agree with the need for that protest.
